Graham plays a pivotal role in the WordPress volunteer accessibility group and demonstrates a true understanding of WordPress culture. He is available @coolfields and offers WordPress and web design services at Coolfields Consulting and also does accessibility testing on websites – both large and small. I asked him a few questions and he replied.
Shoe Size?
10 (UK size)
My presentation at WordCamp UK last July and the warm reception I received, coupled with the trac tickets I raised as a result contributed to a11y improvements in 3.5 and hopefully some wider understanding of a11y in WP theme and plugin developers.
Biggest Challenge?
The fact that I’m really busy on client work. It means that I struggle to be on the case consistently.
Change Most Needed?
The moment when Cyndy Otty @ceotty and Dave Martin @lessbloat were communicating during the IRC chat on February 6 about the menus issue was priceless. So I think that people like Cyndy need to be more in direct communication with the WP devs – to help them understand the difficulties some people face. I’d also like to see accessibility become an overt part of WordPress’s mission statement. If Matt could be persuaded of the value of it and how the lack of accessibility within WP tarnishes his whole democratisation of content thing – then things could be very different.