
Startup: LadderDesk™

Santa Monica, California, April 1, 2014

Announcing A Health Breakthrough

Joseph standing on a six foot ladder with LadderDesk trademark on one of the ladder legs typing on a laptop with trees in the background.
LadderDesk™ Glass

Today, LadderDesk™ is proud to announce a Kickstarter campaign to build the latest in health technology, the LadderDesk™. Science has documented the many health benefits of standing desks. LadderDesk™ improves on this proven concept using a technology specifically created for LadderDesk™ we’re calling Gravity™ to actually suck unhealthy vibes down and away from the body. Plus, users of the LadderDesk™ will benefit from cleaner air and a new outlook on life as they view the world from a new perspective. The LadderDesk™ is extremely portable as you can see from the action photo out in the Room With The Big Blue Ceiling. The model displayed in the photo, the LadderDesk™ Glass is also lightning-proof as it has fiberglass sides.


Curiously enough, heavy weight operating systems don’t do well at the altitude at which the LadderDesk™ operates. Linux, for example, only made it to the first rung. We find that only ChromeOS or iOS are lightweight enough for the top of the LadderDesk™. For more info about LadderDesk™ Tweet @AccessibleJoe.