
I am doing a project to increase the number of free accessible WordPress themes called: Cities.

Site owners are looking for accessible WordPress themes. There is a spectacular lack of accessible WordPress themes. I get asked this question all the time: aren’t there lots of accessible WordPress themes to choose from? No, there are not.

Los Angeles, Copenhagen, Sydney, Boston, Toronto

Karen Mardahl @kmdk in Denmark has agreed to do Copenhagen. Lisa Herrod @scenariogirl in Australia has agreed to do Sydney. Char James-Tanny @CharJTF is doing Boston. Jennison Asuncion @Jennison in Toronto will be doing Toronto.

New York, Mumbai, D.C., Canberra

New York is being led by Pratik Patel @ppatel and there is Mumbai with a team led by Shilpi Kapoor @Shilpi_Kapoor! There is also D.C. led by David Kennedy @DavidAKennedy and Canberra led by Simon Pascal Klein @klepas. How wonderful is this!

Montreal, São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Nashville

Montreal is a theme by Rocio Alvarado and the folks at AccessibilitéWeb @AccessibiliteWb. We also have new themes by Ana Isabel Paraguay @projetoinclusiv, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro! Another new addition is Nashville by Anna Belle Leiserson @happywebdiva.

Ottawa, Twin Cities, Augusta Georgia

Elle McPherson @nethermind of Simply Accessible is doing the Ottawa theme project, Joe Dolson @joedolson is doing Twin Cities, and Amanda Rush @cswordpress is doing Augusta, Georgia!

I have reached out to others and am waiting to hear back from them. If you want to get involved, please send me a message on Twitter.

The Cities themes will be made available free in the Theme Directory.